Dear Mama

Dear Mama You are enough

“You deserve unconditional, overwhelming, inexplicable love too.  Love for you.  FROM YOU.”

You are enough

Here we are.  Another Mother’s Day. Everyone is talking about how unconditional and strong your love is.  You love and accept EVERYONE.  Flaws and all.  You show up for every event and see the beauty in EVERYONE. 


Sure, you slide in the occasional spa day, mani-pedi or girls’ night out and call it self-care but where’s the love, mama?  Where are the daily kisses, affirming words, and filling YOUR cup?

When was the last time you turned to yourself and said, “good job, sis”?  I’ll wait…

But I bet you can remember the last time you criticized yourself for not showing up at the last school event, even though you were up five nights straight when that same kid had the unidentified bug that spread like wildfire. 

When was the last time you looked at yourself and said, “dang, I look good”?  I’ve got time…

Oh, but every time one of those kids draws a stick figure, it’s a work of art.  When your partner pitches in within minimal effort, you break out the extra loving, and if a friend even mentions a flaw, you’ve got a book of affirmations ready to quote about the essence of a woman and how amazing she is. 

And guess what?  You’re amazing!  Everyday!  You keep the show going.  Whether you stay at home and make sure everyone has clean laundry, home-cooked meals, and a soft place to land at the end of the day or go to work and swing by the drive thru on the way to the sport practice of the season, you give all you have and THAT is ENOUGH.  It ain’t always cute or perfect or Insta-worthy but it is all you have to give in the moment, and you give it without question.  Don’t let mom guilt steal your love of self, sis.

You deserve unconditional, overwhelming, inexplicable love too.  Love for you.  From YOU. EVERYDAY.

I love you!

Your best is perfect.



About bested9bg

I'm a mom to an amazing human. Yay, we made it! I'm a former therapist and special educator with a heart for children and families. I love seeing children succeed and discover the best in themselves. More often than not, I'm drinking coffee and listening to some really good music while doing it.